Friday, October 14, 2016

Chaos in Indian Economy

We can not understand the real health of India economy because facts and figure creates illusion. According to Wall street journal projection of Indian economy GDP will 8 to 8.5 % but some other papers like Mint and Indian express projected about GDP is 7 to 7.5% or less.  We can see virtual figures are lying in Indian economy.
According to Modi Govt Foreign reserves increased approx 361 Billion USD.  Other countries GDP running with 1 to 1.5 % but India Running with 7 to 7.5%.
But Realty are, if we talk about Agricultural Economy – Many issues like
  • Drought – still This Govt did not admitted to this situation.
  • Minimum Price Value – Still Govt did not fufill their commitment to increase MPV of crops.
  • Operational cost is higher than Crop price value in India.
  • Unstable production due to mismanagement.
  • Weather complexity is another challenge of Farmers
One Farmer confided about their position  in Maharasthra that -  He produced 952 Kg onion and sold  his onion in market and got Profit only 1 Rs. He described that –
Earning (कमाई ) : 1,523.20 रु
Expenses -
Transport (ट्रांसपोर्ट): 1,320.00 रु
Commission (कमीशन): 91.35 रु
Labor (मज़दूरी): 77.55 रु
Other (अन्य) : 33.30 रु
Profit -
Saving (कुल बचत): 1.00 रु
So we can imagine the features of Indian economy.
Real Estate industry is facing slow down; Cement manufacturers produced only 70% as compare to 85% PY, Coal industry also facing same situation. Banking sector is facing NPA problems. We can see high numbers in NPA figures in Banks after assets review. PNB has high numbers of loss approx Rs 5671 Lakh due to NPA as same with SBI and other banks.
We can see figures of Job creation where situation is also bad, 4 lakh job created in 2013 while only 1 lakh job created in 2015. We can say his is a jobless growth.
Most of the sectors are not performing well, Job creation is going down.
 Indian economy facing –
  • Black Money Problem
  • Virtual figures (we cannot depict real feature basis virtual data)
  • Jobless Growth.
  • Unstructured development
  • Agricultural Issues & growth
  • Balance between export & Import
  • Balance of Inflation
  • Fiscal deficit
So, How can say Indian economy is doing well?  Below graphs and figure said another feature of Indian economy. 
How can govt ignore agricultural?
Can govt fill stomach of Indian people by  import of crops?
Can govt bring agricultural reforms and revolution at large level?
Comments are welcomed....

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