Saturday, September 25, 2010

Capitalism - A Boon or Bane for Economy

capitalism is a tool to create various activity in any economy (a country economy or world economy).
recently we have seen financial crisis in european country and usa economy. their were experimenting too much with the help of capitalism tool.

but question is what is the approach to use of capitalism. In european country and usa, their  was casino capitalism because they (financial institution) was being want more and more profit.........more and more money........ so they were playing with capitalism like a person play in casino for making more money. they forgot what can be in future? we know very well a person make money or loosing money in casino. samething happened in that countries.their is no hard and strong rule & regulation.

what should be?...... capitalism is bad thing or not.....i think capitalism is good thing but it should be "creative capitalism"  what is creative capitalism? this is a question.......creative means for the economic point of view.......i think creative for eradicating poverty, generating employment, develpoing rural economy,........
i think creativity for the economic point of view it should be regulated. if creativity in capitalism in right way for strengthening of economy of any country then it will be real meaning of cretive capitalism.

wriiten by ajay kumar

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