Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mr Finance Minister - Budget 2014 -15 FY

 1st Prospects - Corporates
Corporation tax reduced from 30% to 25%. it means Rs 90,000 to 1,00,000 cr back to corporate sector. it seems paid expenses which spent by corporate in 2014 election by corporates. Talked to increased disinvestment.
2nd Prospects - Common People
Disappointment instead to reduce burden he increased service  tax, financial burden increased. No allocation for social development. only Rs 5000 cr allocated to MANREGA. he has not taken step to implementation of schemes. Increased Rs 50k in health insurance product & Rs 1.50 lakh in pension fund overall disappointment to common people.
3rd Prospects - Economy
Try to down fiscal deficit, it seems accelerate to manufacturing & service sector but doubt to increased employment as desirable. it may be boost up economy.
4th Prospects -Agricultural
No announcement for farmers while farmers facing challenges soil difficulty, weather irregularity, lacuna of agricultural technology. No allocation for Agricultural sector.

Not seems hope for common people. Indian economy is Agricultural leading economy but no ray of hope in this Budget. 

Corporate favored budget -------

Chaos in Indian Economy

I can't understand if Petrol/Diesel price UP Inflation also UP but inflation not go down when Petrol"Diesel Price go Down? particularly, Inflation regarding consumer stocks & Fair of Transportation. I think 70% contribution of Petrol/Diesel to effect consumer inflation in economy. Now economic adviser must think about this.
We can remember those days when Petrol/Diesel price approximately between Rs. 40 to 55 & consumer inflation is approximately between 2 to 3%.
How economist can overcome to consumer inflation by effect of crude oil? What should be Change in economic policy? Challenge of economist. I think PDS, & mechanism of crude oil price should be review.

Commercialization of Hindu Temple -,

We can see Religious Trade in holy Temple particularly Kashi Vishwanath, Tirupati Balaji, Kalaka Ji, sirdi sai baba not religious peace, forcefully पंडित demand money. VIP Devotees can take blessing any time basis money power. What means , God provided Rule & Regulations to divide devotees or people मठाधीश made such things. However common people have faith. I feel uncomfortable where exist garbage, beggar.
I belong to Varanasi, I always go to संकट मोचन for blessing of god their is no garbage & power of money any body can take blessing any time. Such kind of temple is example for others temple and गुरूदाँरा or Sikh temple are best example.
Previously, we have seen lot of Gold in Padanabhan Temple. Govt must look it &, do Audit make strict rules.

Indian Democracy - Modi Government

In Indian Democracy, Opposition can push to Government for do better things to people instead of Government can do autocratic way. Nowadays we can't see opposition role , modi Ji अध्यादेश ले आकर पास कराते है Bill. President of India already object to such kind of thing because this practice weak to democracy & make meaningless to presence of opposition.
I am unable to understand opposition don't want to do anything OR Government preventing to opposition but overall Democracy weaken.
फिल्मो मे भी खामोशीयां छिपी होती है......पता नही चलता......खोजनी पडती है. कोलाहल मे खामोशी बड़े शहरो की भागदौड़ मे खामोशी , संगीत और गीतो मे खामोशी, लेकिन मन की खामोशीयो को कैसे समझे.....

ऐसे ही लिख डाला......अभिवयक्ती तो जरुरी है...........

भारत मे हिन्दी पतन की ओर- -

भारत मे हिन्दी की पतन की नीवँ कोलोनीयल राज से ही हो गयी थी. विश्व पुस्तक मेले मे एक संगोषठी मे भाग लिया...हिन्दी भाषा विषय था ,
कई पत्कार आएँ थे, नवभारत टाइम्स के सम्पादक, हिन्दुस्तान के पतरकार और कई पतरकार.
शुद्ध हिन्दी नही लिखाँ जा रहा है किसी भी संम्पादकीय मे शुद्ध हिन्दी नही लिखाँ जा रहा है अगर हिन्दी के दस शब्द है तो उसमे अगे्रजी के पाँच शब्द मिलेगें, पबि्लक का आरोप था कि मिडियाँ दोषी है, वही पतरकार लोग काआरोप था कि जनता को ऐसे पेपर और चैनल को बहिषँकार करना चाहिएँ, मैने बोला ये तो आपसी दँन्द है,
बाजारवाद के सामने हिन्दी कमजोर है, नवभारत टाइम्स के संम्पादक ने कहा,पहले शुद्ध हिन्दी के अखबार की कापीयाँ एक लाख बिकती थी अब पाँच लाख बिकती है क्यो की आज हिन्गलीस का उपयोग किया जाता है, मैने बोला आज सारा कुछ बाजारवाद तय करता है, हमारे भारत मे कितने अच्छे हिन्दी के स्कुल है, आज सारे लोग बच्चो को रोजगारपरक पढाई कराना चाहते है, चुकी हिन्दी हमारी भाषा है तो बच्चे पढते है, बाजारवाद मे अगरेजी मजबुत है, रोजगार की संभावनाए है,
हिन्दी कमजोर हुई है और हो रही है आज हम हिन्दी भाषियो को आगे बढना होगा, सुदुढ करना होगा हिन्दी को. हिन्दी कमजोर पेड़ की तरह दिखता है, बचाना होगा और मजबुत पेड़ बनाना होगा......बाजारवाद से लड़ना होगा, आईए हम सभी आगे बढे....