Friday, October 10, 2014

Nobel Prize - 2014

Their is no Restriction of Borders between India & Pakistan seems in Peace Nobel Prize. Norwegian Committee Announced Peace Prize when hard situation at Border of India & Pakistan. Malala & Mr Satyarthy both are doing to save & upgrade children life. How to explain India & Pakistan both got Nobel Prize. Pakistan must understand these things. Both can create Miracles in Asia.    

Mr. Modiono have received Nobel Prize in Literature. He belongs to France. He got prestigious Nobel Prize basis of how yahudi was struggled against Adolf Hitler exploitation & torture but if anybody read Mein Kampf about Hitler, articulated yahudi are so bad at that time Hitler said that exploitation of yahudi in France.They treated Germans rudely & seen as racist.I am not being understand Hitler is autocratic but how can become autocratic. If Mr Modiono writes about this thing it is a good sign to take Nobel prize.

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