Saturday, September 27, 2014

100th anniversary of Baghat Singh

Baghat Singh – Why I am an Atheist

Bagaht Singh is an Atheist. He was written some books & a letter why I am an Atheist but books was missed due to restriction in jail by British. By luck this letter hand with his Father, he was published June 1931 in weekly news paper The People.
In this letter, he said people believe in god but why I have believed. Nowadays when people are in small problem, they go to god for solution but Bagahat Singh had not believe in god last time when he was in jail for hang up. We can imagine how they have strong to face such critical days without god. He was giving good argument to have no believed in god. Really, only 23 years old Young Boy Baghat Singh is very strong & knowledgeable.
He said that if god exists why people are poor, poverty is a extreme situation. Why some people is rich. Where is sarvasaktiman. Bagahat Singh said why not god gives good thoughts to capitalist to do for poor people. Why god prevent to do criminal activity by person. So, if not where is god? He said somebody said if god does not exist, what the source of human being. He said read Darvin Principal.  Lastly he said human being believe god due to weakness.
He believes in socialism. Nowadays political parties talk about socialism. It’s good for people but political parties forget real meaning of socialism.
Bagahat Singh is I icon of youth. He was a voracious reader. He know about many thing at early age. Why we cannot remember Baghat Singh. Why Govt is not doing, only doing for political benefit. Where is sikah community?
We cannot forget this 24yrs old youth Baghat Singh. Govt must do to save important learning of Baghat Singh.

Ajay Kumar

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