Friday, November 14, 2014

Banaras - A Feel

Always curiosity in those person who don't know about Varanasi.
I am in Delhi, i talked to many person whenever some person ask about Varanasi. I tell Banarasi Saree,Ghat, Temples,BHU ( splendid creativity of Pt Madan Mohan Malivya Ji), Tasty food (to make crazy about taste) & Good Heritage but if you reach Varanasi you face Traffic, simple people, bad road etc but if you want to feel Banarasipan you must stay atleast one week in Varanasi and meet real Banarasi people. Just you reach Varanasi for one or two days you can't feel Banaras.
"Banaras ke apne andaj ha bahiya kehu ketna bhi badkava bane Banaras gaile ke baad jameen pe aa jaala"

Economic Challenges- May be Destroy Any Government

Economic Challenges & Economic Situation is Very important for any Govt. If any Govt failed or unable to face challenges it can be destroyed or demolished by people.
In 1974 inflation was 33% and Unemployment rate was high. It created & play anti incumbency role against Indira Gandhi Govt.
That situation make a fire to Jan Anadolan of Jai Prakash Naryan (JP Andolan), this andolan recognized Many Leaders like Mulayam singh, Nitish,Arun Jaitly,L k Advani,Atal ji. Indira ji tried to prevent through Emergency but ultimately She lost.
Just we have seen in Greece, due economic imbalance satta pravirtan. We have seen also lost of UPA Govt due to inflation.
We can see Economy is very sensitive and important for any Govt.
JP Movement was based to Poverty, Unemployment & Inflation. It was Important History in Politics.
Still we are facing such type of problems how to erase Govt must think.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Black Money - Reality & Challenge

I read Ashok V Desai (Former Govt Finance Consultant & ex secretary of of Finance Govt of India) article about black money. He said it is misconception that black money put in swiss and other bank. Major part of money invested in different business.

He said if a person invest money out of country & get less interest rate how is it possible? Means their is investment of black money. It is a matter of balance of payment. Their is opportunity of currency exchange similar to currency pair because every country have own currency. We can see if gold import tax decrease it will effect on balance of payment.

After a long discussion in our country is it possible any person can keep money in banks.
Mr Desai also said some money also invest in Real Estate. 

So, Need of time is to think at another level & take strong action to pull all money in Indian economy. 

If that money will inflow in our economy, it can boost to growth rate. Govt can create fearless environment for those person who keep money out of country. Govt can make policy regarding this neither all money can move to other country & upgrade to that economy. Indian economy need inflow of money therefore our PM visited Japan China and other country. So. Govt. Should work out sincerely.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Nobel Prize - 2014

Their is no Restriction of Borders between India & Pakistan seems in Peace Nobel Prize. Norwegian Committee Announced Peace Prize when hard situation at Border of India & Pakistan. Malala & Mr Satyarthy both are doing to save & upgrade children life. How to explain India & Pakistan both got Nobel Prize. Pakistan must understand these things. Both can create Miracles in Asia.    

Mr. Modiono have received Nobel Prize in Literature. He belongs to France. He got prestigious Nobel Prize basis of how yahudi was struggled against Adolf Hitler exploitation & torture but if anybody read Mein Kampf about Hitler, articulated yahudi are so bad at that time Hitler said that exploitation of yahudi in France.They treated Germans rudely & seen as racist.I am not being understand Hitler is autocratic but how can become autocratic. If Mr Modiono writes about this thing it is a good sign to take Nobel prize.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

100th anniversary of Baghat Singh

Baghat Singh – Why I am an Atheist

Bagaht Singh is an Atheist. He was written some books & a letter why I am an Atheist but books was missed due to restriction in jail by British. By luck this letter hand with his Father, he was published June 1931 in weekly news paper The People.
In this letter, he said people believe in god but why I have believed. Nowadays when people are in small problem, they go to god for solution but Bagahat Singh had not believe in god last time when he was in jail for hang up. We can imagine how they have strong to face such critical days without god. He was giving good argument to have no believed in god. Really, only 23 years old Young Boy Baghat Singh is very strong & knowledgeable.
He said that if god exists why people are poor, poverty is a extreme situation. Why some people is rich. Where is sarvasaktiman. Bagahat Singh said why not god gives good thoughts to capitalist to do for poor people. Why god prevent to do criminal activity by person. So, if not where is god? He said somebody said if god does not exist, what the source of human being. He said read Darvin Principal.  Lastly he said human being believe god due to weakness.
He believes in socialism. Nowadays political parties talk about socialism. It’s good for people but political parties forget real meaning of socialism.
Bagahat Singh is I icon of youth. He was a voracious reader. He know about many thing at early age. Why we cannot remember Baghat Singh. Why Govt is not doing, only doing for political benefit. Where is sikah community?
We cannot forget this 24yrs old youth Baghat Singh. Govt must do to save important learning of Baghat Singh.

Ajay Kumar

Monday, August 25, 2014

Challenges Faces by Risk Managers in India :-

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I have participated in “punayathi of former Prime Minister Chandrasekhar ji in Prankar Bhavan, Maidagin, Varanasi, U.P. at 8th July 10, 2014.
“Topic is “Importance of Socialism in Current Scenario”
Chief guest are Mr. om prakash srivastava ji – ex minister u.p., Dr. kriti singh – ex vice chancellor, Raghu Thakur –socialist, Dr. chura mani gopal – ex vice chancellor SPGI, Dr. o.p. singh – U.P. Secreatry Samajwadi party. Mr. Surendar patel – Minister of U.P., Organiser is Kuvanar suresh singh ji.

Somebody raises finger about topic because socialism have importance from inception of earth. Socialism alive when inequality exists in society. Equality of basic amenities of life.
Samajwad = samatawad, Marxwad-Hinsawad = Socialism
Some powers want to erase concept of socialism with help of books & media. Raghu Thakur said Failure of socialism means of end of socialism. We have seen gap between leader and worker but in socialism there is no gap.
We understand concept of socialism through ek nara “Jab tak bukha insan rahega dharati par thufan rahega”.
I think concept of socialism is one ingredient of every party but at the ground reality we can not see. Concept of socialism is excellence. Socialism required in current scenario?

Budget NDA 2014-15

Budget 2013-14 presented by Mr. Arun Jaitly Finance Minister.
Major Challenges already exist in Indian Economy.
That’s are
1. Fiscal Deficit
2. Growth Rate
3. Inflation
4. Current A/C Deficit
5. Foreign Reserve
6. Food Inflation

I think there are no new features in Budget, only financial management. More focus on savings, revenue generation, and financial inclusion through banking. This is not a socio economic budget. There is not increase in subsidy. If we talk about earning people some happiness I can see but if we talk about BPL People there is no feature.
I have not seen implantation of “Food Corridor”, Enhancing of agriculture. Yes, strong assistance of corporate.
Ultimately I can say this is so…so… Budget. We can see clarity of action of NDA in next Budget.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Challenges To Retail Banking in India

o The issue of money laundering is very important in retail banking. This compels all the banks to consider seriously all the documents which they accept while approving the loans.

o The issue of outsourcing has become very important in recent past because various core activities such as hardware and software maintenance, entire ATM set up and operation (including cash, refilling) etc., are being outsourced by Indian banks.

o Banks are expected to take utmost care to retain the ongoing trust of the public.

o Customer service should be at the end all in retail banking. Someone has rightly said, “It takes months to find a good customer but only seconds to lose one.”

0Thus, strategy of Knowing Your Customer (KYC) is important. So the banks are required to adopt innovative strategies to meet customer’s needs and requirements in terms of services/products etc.

o The dependency on technology has brought IT departments’ additional responsibilities and challenges in managing, maintaining and optimizing the performance of retail banking networks. It is equally important that banks should maintain security to the advance level to keep the faith of the customer.

o The efficiency of operations would provide the competitive edge for the success in retail banking in coming years.

o The customer retention is of paramount important for the profitability if retail banking business, so banks need to retain their customer in order to increase the market share.

o One of the crucial impediments for the growth of this sector is the acute shortage of manpower talent of this specific nature, a modern banking professional, for a modern banking sector.

source -managementparadise

Ajay Kumar