Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Financial Sector Reforms: A Summary

Financial sector reforms are at the centre stage of the economic liberalization that was initiated in India in mid 1991 but still, it could not grow as compare to other country financial sector. After 60.5 decades still, we cannot make good shape to financial sector. I write some important reforms in financial sector to accelerate Indian economy.

1. Multiple Regulators in India –
With multiple regulators in India, there are varying regulatory requirements which often leads to regulatory arbitrage. An example  of  this  is  the  similarity  between  mutual  funds  and  ULIPs,  the  first  which  is regulated  by  the  SEBI  and  the  second  which  were  regulated  by  the  IRDA.  SEBI imposes very different levels of disclosure and ongoing transparency on the outcomes of  mutual  funds  compared  to  the  standards  of  disclosure  required  by  the  IRDA.  In an example  on  differing  standards  of  regulation  on  distributors,  employees  of  banks  who come under regulation by the RBI can distribute financial products such as mutual funds and  insurance  products,  without  adhering  to  the  rules  and  regulation  of  SEBI  and IRDA
1.The present arrangement has gaps for which no regulator is in charge such as the  diverse  kinds  of  ponzi  schemes  that  periodically  surface  in  India,  which  are  not regulated by any of the existing agencies
2. Organizations such as chit funds appear to be completely out of the purview of any financial sector regulator
3. The existing framework also contains overlaps between laws and agencies leading to incidences in which conflicts between regulators has consumed the energy of economic policy   makers   and   held   back   market   development
4. Securities   and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) extended litigation against the Sahara group and the recent  investigations  on  alleged  money  laundering  by  some  banks  using  insurance products  are  good  examples  of  both  regulatory  gaps  as  well  as  opportunities  for arbitrage

2. Kyc Reforms – It is big challenge to make quality KYC of customers. If we have objective of Financial Inclusion. Need to people have correct & clear Documents because if Financial Institution and Banks want to provide Financial Products like Insurance, Loans & Accounts its faces difficult to categories genuine customers neither it will increase NPA.  So, Need Reforms. Aadhar Card can make Progressive Reforms and beneficial to people of India.

3. Technical Reforms – Still, India have no strong Data collection & preservation for betterment of People. Central Statistical Department still fighting regarding this. If Government want to give subsidy to exact people but they don’t have.  Still Technical challenge exists in Financial Sector. Need to interconnect to all Banks & Financial Institutions for good, strong, clear & transparent Data.

4. Reform to Implement Financial Rule & Regulation ¬– Still Many Financial Institutions do not follow the Rules & Regulation. So, we can see financial irregularity, Scams like Financial Accounting Fraud in Sataym Company, Sahara Group scam, Harshad Mehata Scam etc. Still Protector of Financial Law like C. As are violators of Financial Law.  Presently they are commission Agents Not Chartered Accountant. I want to focus on adherence of financial Law. Need to define duty of C.As and penalize who violate or use the loopholes of financial law.

5. Reform to Make Complete Regulation in Micro Finance Sector – we can see after1991 many new sectors opened in financial area but Government and Regulators unable to make exact and complete law. Mohd, Yunus got Nobel Prize for upgrade to Poor & Rural People by Micro Finance but after certain period of time we have seen many institutions playing in this area and exploit to poor people. They played intermediary between banks, insurance companies & poor people. Earn Commission by selling of insurance and financial product. Important things cost is high due to big profit. Some are showing Non Profitable institutions or charitable institutions but realty speaks other things they make high profit & manipulate in financial of institutions. Still, there is no strong rule & regulation.

6. Reforms in Human Resource Management in Financial Sector – At Present Financial sectors facing crisis of good people. Maximum people do not like to do job in financial sector. Particularly, Public & Private Sectors banks crisis of employee. Attrition rate is high. Targets, lengthy work & other reasons to people to move other area. 

Conclusion – still, many challenges exist in Indian Financial Sector. Need various types of Reforms. It is big area in economy. We can categories or divide some parts to this area and find challenges and loopholes for making strong Indian economy.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fight Against Terrorism.......

I have Doubt that Some country like USA is fighting against terrorism when seems recent attack in France & Britain at the same moment USA help $532 million to Pakistan, it may be it can use establishment of Terrorism. Need that unite the world and fight against terrorism and boycott countries which involved  in activity of terrorism from world community. To make punish in terms of Economic help.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Scientific Development - Meaningless

Still,Scientific Development on the back foot from post independence in India. If we are talking about world scientific development, it also on back foot. Scientific community contributed only to artificial development, at the same time it harms nature & spirituality. So we can say development of people is meaningless because at the end we lost gist of life. Now challenge to world scientific community to save nature & spirituality for real development of people. Now scientist can contributes in Ayurveda to innovate intensive & successful medicine. Scientist can contributes to develop natural & solar energy that should be cost effective instead of artificial energy.
Indian scientist contribution is very less from post independence. Awake to all Indian scientist to do high level of research in area of yoga & Ayurveda.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Current Situation of Indian Economy

India lead in Service Sector in Economy as compare to China where Manufacturing sector lead. I think we also focus on Manufacturing sector. It provide more benefits comparatively service sector. It can fulfill to Modi dream "Make in India" its strengthen domestic economy. But now strategy of Finance Minister changed he focused on cuts subsidy,Govt expenses. Finance Minister must think to enhance Manufacturing Sector it will be profitable for Indian economy.