Sunday, May 26, 2013

Anti Money Laundering & Tax Evasion - - How to Stop Through Banking process.....................

If we want to avoid tax evasion & AML. Banks can play vital role. Bank can check accounts. Is it saving a/cs use for business purpose. Bank can stop this malpractice. It ensure pan card updating in a/cs. Challenge is advance technology how can find such type of a/cs branch staff can effort in that way. Many challenges but bank is important medium to kick out tax evasion & AML practice. RBI must play as strict master & hunting to banksBottom of Form

IF Banks have to monitor number of transaction in every saving account and current account and also check how many different accounts have one person.

It will be check where money come from and check through profile of customer but it is a not easy task. It is a hard process because banks have large no. of accounts like SBI have approx 22.5 crore accounts in pan India. 

So, here technology can play vital role to find out suspicious accounts. We can find out large transaction account holder and verify all transaction

But at the same time some chartered accountants play role as a commission agent they make forge papers to safe the black money and also convert in to white money.

Some banks also protect to a/c holders make forge profilers of large transaction account holder for making branch strength.

But there is contradiction private banks always make pressure for business how to catch the business it is not easy so, they make rose financial bed for suspious customers.
So, there is contradiction. It can not possible to find out and erase all Anti Money Laundering &  Tax Evasion done by account holders.

So, we can stop Anti Money Laundering & Tax Evasion when banks have to make will power and chartered accountants play as financial consultant only. Banks try to find out best technology for doing such kinds of this process and senior management make high level of will power.