Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Golbalisation - A Effect

1. restrict on the movement of pepole in last 50yrs. that means lost of cooperation, cordination among  countries at diffrent level.
2.provide inequal development., fault of one country effect on  other country.
3.remove  autocracy...........
4.hepful to solve border dispute between neibhouring countries like indo-pak,indo-china,isariel-gaza,russia-chechnia etc.
5. exploitation of pepole of those country who do not have sufficient resources.

at last,
make some global institute
who monitor all the countries regarding all level and all area particularly culture, economy,...........
check all the countries work
& global regulatory organisation in every sector.

wriiten by ajay kumar,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Capitalism - A Boon or Bane for Economy

capitalism is a tool to create various activity in any economy (a country economy or world economy).
recently we have seen financial crisis in european country and usa economy. their were experimenting too much with the help of capitalism tool.

but question is what is the approach to use of capitalism. In european country and usa, their  was casino capitalism because they (financial institution) was being want more and more profit.........more and more money........ so they were playing with capitalism like a person play in casino for making more money. they forgot what can be in future? we know very well a person make money or loosing money in casino. samething happened in that countries.their is no hard and strong rule & regulation.

what should be?...... capitalism is bad thing or not.....i think capitalism is good thing but it should be "creative capitalism"  what is creative capitalism? this is a question.......creative means for the economic point of view.......i think creative for eradicating poverty, generating employment, develpoing rural economy,........
i think creativity for the economic point of view it should be regulated. if creativity in capitalism in right way for strengthening of economy of any country then it will be real meaning of cretive capitalism.

wriiten by ajay kumar

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Real Defination of MBA....................

                    "it is not a question how much a man knows,but what use he makes of what he knows
                      an MBA degree brings this change"

                         this is a real definition of MBA if any institute will provide such kind of tools who he/she  makes of what he knows, i think that is the real management institute.
                         It is not a matter of concern that if any student done master degree but he/she know or fully aware about  the above tool of management. i think this is the real management student.

written by ajay kumar 09889286712

Monday, September 20, 2010


when you will meet with die......
you will go to infinitive sleep.......
you relinquish from the all responsibilities,,,,,all things.....
you will find your brain is empty without thoughts and responsibilities.......
you will not think about money,power,name & fame.......
that all things make evil to human being.........
that all things distort humanity..............
if, humanity will distort we will not create peaceful, beautiful world.........
if world is not good what is the meaning of surviving people............
if your mind will empty you can go aimless journey.............
it will be  two way of journey....................
Heaven and Hail..........
your karma will decide the way of journey...............
if you will find the way of heaven you must do good karma

written by ajay kumar 09889286712

i think this is a real truth of life. i have expressed my thought through this poet...........

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Micro finance Institution (MFI) provide small loan to poor pepole. it is famous in developing countries because of poverty. it do work as a grameen bank but it is  not be exactly grameen bank. it is differ from bank but one thing is common both provide loan.
at prsent scenario, Micro Finance Industry is not in full shape because it begun unsystematically, their is no complete drafting about how to perform well in rural & urban area for the poor pepole. at present their is not strong regulatory to monitor MFI. some MFIs are doing work under a trust, NGO that kind institution is doing work badly. some MFI registered  under section 25 of companies act 1956 and some are doing work as NBFC. NBFC register from RBI and regulated by RBI also.

challenges are many, MFI are harreshing the BPL and poor pepole because in some area like eastern uttar pradesh their is four to five MFI are doing work in main stream. their approaches to same BPL & poor client who have taken loan from other MFI. scenario is one poor & BPL client have taken loan from two or three MFI. it create pressure to that client for repayment. so situation is that she (client) will feel harresh to repay the loan to MFI with high intrest if she will not utilise money smartly & promptly then she will not repay loan. if it will be continue going on then situation will be worst. it can not remove poverty but it will increase poverty because most MFI do not give proper sugestion to utilise loan.

so i think if government will not make hard rule & regulation then MFI will make worst situation in rural and poor areas. i hope micro finance bill 2007 will strengthen the micro finance industry.

another side, MFI are facing the some  problem  like:
1. Lack of professional who will drive and do work professionaly in MFI.
2. Crisis of good salary (mfi employee)
3. lack of technolgy
4. MFI do work traditionally.
5. top management receive high salry compratively middle & lower rank of employee in MFI.
6.Lack of regulator.
7. lack of govt. intervention.
8. their is no investment part occur in MFI.

so at last their is big challenge in MFI. if govt. will not adress this points. then rural economy going to bad way and ultimately we can not improve living standard of poor pepole.